Daily Archives: January 30, 2013

Parochialism hits ratepayers in the pocketbook (The Province)

Parochialism hits ratepayers in the pocketbook.


Jon Ferry quoting in part:

Or at least we don’t need the kind of civic parochialism that hits ratepayers directly in the pocketbook and denies them the opportunities that economies of scale afford.

As McLeod points out, the average North Van citizen doesn’t care where the city boundaries end and the district’s begin. It’s up to both councils to work together for the benefit of all, instead of continuing to indulge in petty partisan politics and inter-council finger-pointing.

But as I indicated, there’s a third reason why civic spending in B.C. has gone through the roof, namely rising citizen demand for new recreational facilities.

Read more: http://www.theprovince.com/news/Parochialism+hits+ratepayers+pocketbook/7892018/story.html#ixzz2JTr99K4H



No shortage of projects for the new AGLG

From the NS News: Elizabeth James letter to the new Auditor General for Local Government (BC)


No shortage of projects for the new AGLG.

