Daily Archives: February 18, 2015


An oldie (Sep 2013) but a goodie borrowed from Jonathan Baker’s blog at an apropos time it would seem. The OCP public hearing is scheduled for March 3rd.    Quoting in part:

‘It is time to complain about the quality of protesting that is going on.

We are on a tipping point. Many Vancouverites think their politicians are mad as hell. They are not going to take it anymore. 

Here is what is going on. City Hall, announces plans  to enormously up-zone whole neighbourhoods. Speculators  assemble blocks on the expectation.  Property owners expect to be forced out of their homes. They know that values and taxes will rise. Houses will be demolished and replaced by towers. By the time the matter gets to Council it is afait accompli

This isn’t planning. It is  block busting. People who just want to be left alone, feel they will have to take the money and run. It is all driven by a despised Council and planning department.

The form of protesting, however, does not rise above the curb so well occupied by the politicians.
