Daily Archives: February 24, 2015

A Chat with Mayor Darrell Mussatto – part 2

Second installment of the interview by LowerLonsdale.ca of the Mayor together with Communications Manager  Connie Rabold is here:



We (Voices) note that the Mayor seems to be math challenged, when the bike escalator was first floated around in Council, the cost per mile was estimated to be in excess of $4 million dollars.

This paragraph:

‘People automatically associate population and density growth with traffic and chaos, but the opposite can be true. When cities are built smarter, transit is more accessible and neighbourhoods are designed to be walkable, even though population is increasing, what happens is that families find they don’t need two cars. They walk to the grocery store and daycare because everything is closer together. Over the next ten years we’re going to make North Vancouver one of the most sustainable, walkable and cyclist-friendly cities in the world’.

came from a question about the 800 condo development in Seylynn, perhaps the Mayor has forgotten about the 800 unit development at Harbourside.  Where there is no grocery store within walking distance, no bus service, nothing is close.  Not even walkable for mobility challenged residents to get to Marine Drive.  This is not a ‘smart’ neighbourhood in any way. 

Still so many questions.
